Beautiful to See, Hard to Catch

Unless you've been living under a rock, you may have noticed that the 90's have come back around in the fashion and pop culture worlds.
We haven't even tried to fight it.
(Ok... maybe we did raise our eyebrows and look the other way when Cheryl had too many Cosmo's at happy hour and insisted her Jelly Shoes were 'back'... were they ever really here, Cher?)
You know how fashion goes, though; it never stops, or slows down. So our first inkling that the early aughts will be in our stores and on our favorite celebs is that the Butterfly look is starting to flitter its way back onto runways.
Don't worry, you don't have to faux-corn-row your hair with those strange little clips. But you can get jazzy with a brooch, embrace the prints on dresses, feel like a free spirit with some earrings or even use a sweet, dainty bobby pin as your nod to those junior high school dance days.
Here is Zendaya, doing what she does best on the red carpet: turn heads. She and her stylist along with Yves Saint Laurant, and Dolce are intimating that everyone should take a note from butterflies: be gorgeous to look at, hard to catch.
We haven't even tried to fight it.
(Ok... maybe we did raise our eyebrows and look the other way when Cheryl had too many Cosmo's at happy hour and insisted her Jelly Shoes were 'back'... were they ever really here, Cher?)
You know how fashion goes, though; it never stops, or slows down. So our first inkling that the early aughts will be in our stores and on our favorite celebs is that the Butterfly look is starting to flitter its way back onto runways.
Don't worry, you don't have to faux-corn-row your hair with those strange little clips. But you can get jazzy with a brooch, embrace the prints on dresses, feel like a free spirit with some earrings or even use a sweet, dainty bobby pin as your nod to those junior high school dance days.
Here is Zendaya, doing what she does best on the red carpet: turn heads. She and her stylist along with Yves Saint Laurant, and Dolce are intimating that everyone should take a note from butterflies: be gorgeous to look at, hard to catch.

Posted on January 09 2018